Media Manager Online: Open Edition

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Brand activation provides a personal face-to-face engagement to targets via events and activities arranged by activation specialists.


Large format advertising displays intended for viewing from extended distances. Small sized billboards are upto 17m2, Medium from 18 to 36m2 (includes the traditional 48 and 96 sheet sizes), SuperSigns 37 to 80m2 and Spectaculars 81m2 and upwards.

Electronic & digital

Various exterior and interior electronic and digital units, from giant-sized down to TVs. Most often advertisers are rotated. Smaller variants generally offering movement and sound.


Encompasses the new and unusual in out-of-home advertising. Allows the client to create unique, individualised campaigns.


Advertising on distinctly visible colossal sites.

Place based

Advertising displays that encompass a wide variety of formats that are specially located where particular groups congregate for a variety of purposes

Street Furniture

Advertising displays, positioned in close proximity to pedestrians and shoppers for eye-level viewing, or at curbside to influence people in nearby vehicular traffic. Often located on a public amenity


Advertising displays affixed inside or outside of moving vehicles. Designed to appeal to passengers, pedestrians and people in other vehicles.